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Community Involvement

Community Involvement

To the Edwards Family and Saskatoon Funeral Home, business and community are intertwined. It has always meant a real commitment to the betterment of the community and its people on an economic, spiritual and social level.

It involves personal volunteerism by ownership, management and staff; financial and in-kind contributions to local projects; promotion of civic pride; and whenever possible supporting local business. Giving back to the community is a value with deep roots in this organization. The company has received both the ABEX and SABEX Community Involvement Awards.

Read Our Blog "Happenings" to learn more of what is new at the funeral home.

A stack of books with one opened to a page that says ' a ' on it

Imagine opening an old book that has been tucked away in the attic for years, and as you flip its pages, you find it’s filled with stories of your great-grandfather's life. There’s magic in... 

A woman in a paisley shirt is smiling and wearing hoop earrings.

he Edwards Family and Saskatoon Funeral Home are honored to have sponsored today's closing Keynote Speaker, Dr. Sharen Barboza, at the Custody and Caring Conference organized by The College of Nur... 

A large building with a lot of windows and a lush green lawn in front of it.

Saskatoon Funeral Is the Consumer Choice Award Winner for Their Compassionate Care Saskatoon Funeral is noted for its ability to provide reliable, compassionate care to people who are facing diffi... 

Sponsored Community Events

  • Walk of Memories
  • Caring, Sharing, Remembering Christmas Candle Light Service
  • Our Children Live Forever in Our Hearts (Memorial Service for children lost at or before birth)

Sponsored Community Lectures

  • Edwards Lecture Series in Religion and Business Ethics
  • Evelyn Edwards Memorial Lecture Nursing
  • William A. Edwards Memorial Lecture for Caregivers
  • College of Nursing, Custody and Caring Conference

Organizations and Groups

Some organizations and groups the company partners with, belongs to and has supported over the years include:

  • Friendship Inn
  • Salvation Army
  • St. Paul's Hospital Board
  • CAFÉ
  • Saskatchewan Abilities Council
  • Kinsmen Kinettes
  • Rotary
  • Saskatoon Minor Baseball
  • Cosmopolitan Club
  • Soroptomists
  • Knights of Columbus
  • The Masonic Order
  • Shriners
  • Royal Canadian Legion
  • Sherbrook Community Centre
  • Luther Care Society
  • McClure
  • Poppy Fund
  • United Way
  • Oliver Lodge
  • St. Ann's Home
  • Telemiracle
  • St. Paul's Hospital
  • City Hospital
  • RUH Hospital
  • Holy Family Cathedral
  • Saskatoon Men's Chorus
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