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Planning Ahead

Why Should I Plan Ahead?

While not everyone may find it appealing to plan ahead, pre-planning your funeral arrangements ensures that your final wishes are respected and helps ease the burden your loved ones may experience during their time of grief.

At Saskatoon Funeral Home, we are dedicated to supporting you with your funeral pre-needs. Our team is here to help you make informed decisions about your funeral service in advance, providing guidance to alleviate any unnecessary stress associated with the passing of a loved one.



Benefits of Preplanning

Planning ahead allows you to make your wishes known.

The death of a loved one can often lead to stress and discord within families. Differences in preferences among family members can arise, leading to disagreements during a time of grief. Planning ahead helps mitigate these conflicts by clearly communicating your wishes to your family. By outlining how you want your funeral service to be conducted and your affairs to be managed, you provide guidance that helps alleviate potential tensions and ensures your wishes are honored.

Planning ahead provides peace of mind.

Our staff pledges to fulfill the arrangements exactly as you have directed. Once the plans are in place, you and your family can find solace in the knowledge that those difficult decisions have been addressed. Preplanning enables families to grieve without added stress during a challenging time.

Planning ahead provides a range of flexible funding options.

Preplanning your funeral arrangements offers a wider array of funding options. You can arrange a preneed insurance policy, a life insurance policy, or explore other payment alternatives well before the time of passing. Since services must be paid in full at the time of death, having these options in place beforehand can alleviate additional stress associated with loss.

Planning ahead alleviates the burden from family members.

In the aftermath of a loved one's passing, over 150 decisions must often be made within the first day or two. These stressful choices, coupled with the grief of loss, can be overwhelming. However, by arranging your final wishes in advance, you can alleviate this burden. With decisions already made, your loved ones are spared the uncertainty of guessing your preferences and planning the funeral. By removing this weight, your loved ones can initiate the healing process sooner.

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Common Questions about Preplanning

  • What steps are involved in prearranging a funeral?

    The first step would be to write down your wishes. Indicate if you would prefer burial or cremation. Write down your ideas for the service you would like, cemetery choice, etc. If you've made those choices, or even if you're unsure, schedule a time to meet with one of our funeral directors who can explain the different service options, merchandise choices, as well as the different ways to pay for the funeral.

  • What information do I need to prearrange a funeral?

    You'll need basic information about yourself or the person you are planning for, such as date of birth, marital status, parent's full names, etc. Besides the biological information, you'll need to choose burial or cremation, what type of service you'd like, what cemetery to use, etc. Our caring staff will help you with this process.

  • Do I have to pay in advance?

    Preplanning is merely making your wishes known; however, most families who do this also choose to pre-fund their funeral. Doing so will relieve the financial burden on your family and offer peace of mind to you.

  • Can I transfer my plans to or from another funeral home?

    If you have plans at another funeral home and would like to move them here, we will help you do that. If you move from the area and would like to transfer your arrangements to another funeral home, we will assist you with that as well.

 Lauren Perryman

Lauren Perryman

Preplanning Specialist

When you take the time to plan your funeral in advance you will relieve your family and loved ones of the emotional stress and financial burden a funeral can cause, so you can focus on what's important; grieving and being together in your time of loss.

Call for a complimentary planning guide today.

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